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Audacity | Effects | LADSPA | Live Preview

Audacity LADSPA plugins - live preview effects

Wow, so easy to install, kind of. This is to add many more effects to Audacity - including lots that have live preview - not a preview clip.

Right now, I'm on Audacity 2.1.1 on Windows 7. Download the exe of the "LADSPA plugins bundle installer" from this Google Code page. This will add them into your Plugins folder (see here for info on locating that, if you want to see what's going on in background etc.)

The instructions on the Audacity docs page linked in my previous paragraph seems a bit different to what I did. After you have installed the exe, go to the Audactiy menu and click on Effects, then click on Manage at the top. Then click Select All, then click Enable. And you will now have tons of effects and live preview effects added to your Audacity!

Try it. Play a track in Audacity, go to Effects, the ones with a live preview capability will be NOT GREYED OUT. Play with the controls until you like your sound. Then click App;y to make it permanent.

I've been waiting for this for years. It's the Holy Grail of audio effect editing (IMHO). Just like Cool Edit Pro used to have. :-)

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